shei-chan no sekai

shei-chan no sekai

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lonely Heart


I feel so lonely and sad
I've lost the only love I had
Seeing you from afar felt good
But my heart cried and felt cold

You are not mine, I know
But my mind works so slow
My heart reacts first and told me to stay
Before reality spoke and told me "MOVE AWAY"

I've been hurt a thousand times
By a single guy who isn't mine
For making me feel like this, I hate you
But.. I love you more than anyone know

Even if I say "I LOVE YOU" a thousand times
I bet everything still won't turn out fine
Our situation already gave me heartache
One-sided love at times I couldn't take

I wonder why I'm still holding on
Although reality tells me to MOVE ON
Still.. although hurt, I don't want to part
I love you even tears fall down my heart.


To Tego-nyan..
Even if the sun ceased to shine... I'll continue to love you..
Even if the waters in the ocean run dry.. still.. I'll love you..
Even if you break my heart a million times.. I love you..
You are the sweetest dream I've ever had.. And if not waking up 
remains the key of being with you forever.. 
I'll never dare to wake up and leave you..
I'll continue to dream and be by your side...
I love you... not just with my heart.. BUT with all of me...


(June 10, 2010)

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