And now.. I'm trying to move on ^^ Back to my own fantasy world again.. Back to being a crazy fangirl.. And back to Tegoshi Yuya's arms.. hehehe.. Yes.. I have a LOT of crushes.. but then.. in the end of the day.. I still go back to my original love.. Tegoshi Yuya.. Yes... It has always been an unrequited love but I don't care.. I'm happy simply by doing this. I mean... Tego-nyan has always been an inspiration for me and I guess no one can take him away from me for he's in my heart.. =)
And so, I made this cover only for him.. It's my way of saying thank you for inspiring me... and for giving me more reasons to live and go on with life ^^ Tegoshi Yuya... douzo..
that was it ^^ I know I'm no good when it comes to singing... unlike Tego-nyan.. hehe.. but at least.. I'm really trying my best for him.. *sigh* If only he knew... =)
Until here my friends ^^ will be updating soon =) Jaa ne~