shei-chan no sekai

shei-chan no sekai

Sunday, September 25, 2011


It's been 2 weeks since I broke up with my bf.. hehehe ^^ Things aren't just meant to be.. and it's indeed really hard to keep up with a long distance relationship.. I mean.. it's ok as long as you have constant communication.. But we lack that one.. However.. being with him for 3 months has been nice. I'll always treasure the memories.. It may ended up too soon than we expect it to be... I'm still glad you came to my life... Thank you so much..

And now.. I'm trying to move on ^^ Back to my own fantasy world again.. Back to being a crazy fangirl.. And back to Tegoshi Yuya's arms.. hehehe.. Yes.. I have a LOT of crushes.. but then.. in the end of the day.. I still go back to my original love.. Tegoshi Yuya.. Yes... It has always been an unrequited love but I don't care.. I'm happy simply by doing this. I mean... Tego-nyan has always been an inspiration for me and I guess no one can take him away from me for he's in my heart.. =)

And so, I made this cover only for him.. It's my way of saying thank you for inspiring me... and for giving me more reasons to live and go on with life ^^ Tegoshi Yuya... douzo..

that was it ^^ I know I'm no good when it comes to singing... unlike Tego-nyan.. hehe.. but at least.. I'm really trying my best for him.. *sigh* If only he knew... =)

Until here my friends ^^ will be updating soon =) Jaa ne~

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Lately, I've been really busy. Duty + School + Review + Deadlines. It sucks but I have to strive real hard. I have my dreams and to achieve it, I have to do my part. However, despite my busy schedule, I still find time to flail. I'm still able to watch anime =) still have the time to download new songs from my favorite jpop groups. Although I'm not really that updated unlike before.. at least I am able to watch PV and download some.. hehe =)

I've read somewhere (i forgot where exactly) that Kisumai's Everybody Go will be released in the Philippines this September 24.. Ohh~!! I hope they sell here in my place. I really want to secure one for myself =) I mean, I already have downloaded it from the internet... but being able to have the real CD is way more better.. haha.. And it's a way of supporting them, right? And hopefully, this is a start. If Kisumai's single sell well in my country then maybe Johnny Kitagawa would let the other boys release their stuffs here as well.. Ohh~ Me wants that~!!!

Hmmnn... unfortunately, I haven't written anything for my post tonight.. Haven't composed stuffs for a while now. I wish I had more time... but yes, there's time for everything.. hehehe =) Oh well, take care everyone =)