shei-chan no sekai

shei-chan no sekai

Sunday, April 8, 2012


You are arrogant~~~
you keep on teasing me...
you keep on calling me baka little girl~~

But WHY?
WHY do I still like you this much?

Why do you have such an impact on me?
Why are you capable of sweeping me off of my feet?
Tell me.. why?? why??

You're making me lose myself!!!
You're so stupid~~~ i hate you...!!!
for making me feel this way~~

You boldly asked me NOT to fall in love with you...
But HELL~!!! You're doing EVERYTHING that makes my heart forget how to beat normally~!

In a while~~ you'll make me feel unwanted~
rejected...~ lonely.... full of anger~~

but in an instant~!!!

YOU erased those unwanted feelings and changed it with laughter~~
with pleasant feelings that i could barely remember the meaning of sadness~~

Damn it~!!! WHY?????

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